VE Summer Soccer Splash 2025 - RULES

VE Summer Soccer Splash 2025 - RULES

Vereinigung Erzgebirge Summer Soccer Splash

Sanctions: This is an approved tournament of the EPYSA, affiliated with the USYSA, USSF, and FIFA

Format:  Each participating team will play three (3) games on one day. Each game will consist of two 25-minute halves. USSF referees will officiate all games.

Insurance:  All teams are responsible for their own insurance. In the event of an accident or injury while in transit to or from, or while participating in the tournament, Vereinigung Erzgebirge, its members, and volunteers shall not be held liable.


Boys U9 through U-12 Saturday August 23rd   

Girls U9 through U-12 Sunday August 24th

All games will follow 7v7 and 9v9 USYSA / EPYSA guidelines.

All teams must be affiliated with the USYSA.

Roster & Player Eligibility:

Each team must present copies of the following:

- an approved roster, properly authorized (If 2025 roster is not approved, bring approved 2024 roster and proof of age)

- player passes

- signed medical releases for each player

Max roster size is 12 players for U9 & U10 and 16 players for U11 & U12

Max of 4 guest players/team (U9 – U12) – names, DOBs, and pass #s are to be written on bottom of team roster

**A player may only play for one team during the tournament.**

Game Reports: All field marshal game sheets must be returned to the site headquarters as soon as possible after a game.  Both coaches and referee must sign field marshal reports.

Awards:  1st and 2nd place teams in each age bracket will receive awards for each player.

Protests:  There will be no protests allowed. The referee’s decisions will be final.

Conduct: Players, coaches, and spectators are expected to conduct themselves within the spirit of the game as well as the letter of the law.

Coaches are not only responsible for their conduct, but also the conduct of their players and spectatorsPlayers, coaches, or spectators ejected from a game by the referee must leave the field area.  Anyone receiving a red card will be ineligible for the next scheduled game.  In the event of fighting, the Tournament Director may take further action. No one will be allowed behind either end line.


Any player, coach, spectator, etc. receiving 2 yellow cards in one game will be suspended for the

remainder of the game. If the same player, coach, spectator, etc. is issued 1 yellow card in the very next

game, it will be treated as a RED card.

Any player, coach, spectator, etc. receiving a RED card will be suspended for the remainder of the game

and the next game. If the same player, coach, spectator, etc. is issued a second card (yellow or red), they

will be suspended from the remainder of the tournament.

Fighting – automatic suspension from the tournament


Results are based on the following scoring criteria:

· Win - 6 Points

· Tie - 3 Points

· Loss - 0 Points

· 1 point for a shut-out win (A 0-0 tie game is not considered a shut-out win so each team will simply receive 3 points for the tie as noted above)

· 1 point per goal up to a maximum of 3 (Losing team also receives points for goals scored.)

Maximum points that can be awarded for a team winning a game is 10 points (6 points for the win + 3 points for maximum goals of 3 + 1 point for a shut-out win)


Teams tied in points at the end of regulation games follow this tie-breaker order:

· Head to Head competition if there are only 2 teams involved (in the event of a tie among three or more teams, this criterion will not be considered), then

· Goal differential (maximum of 3 per game), then

· Most wins, then

· Most shutouts, then

· Fewest goals allowed.


Normal substitution rules apply – may sub on opposing team’s possession if they are subbing.

Home / Away Team:

Home team is the team reflected first on the schedule.

Tap Off / Direction:

The visiting team will have choice of direction or tap off.  Immediately after the preceding game, the Field Marshals will handle the tap off / directions choice with the visiting team.

Equipment (Jerseys):

All uniforms must be numbered. In the event of conflicting color jerseys, home teams will change jerseys. Players are REQUIRED to wear shin guards in accordance with FIFA laws of the game.

Pin / Patch Exchange:

This is an Exchange tournament.  Bring patches/pins to be given out at the end of each game to the opposing team.

Cancellation / Refund Policy:

In case of situations outside the control of VE where the tournament needs to be cancelled, such as excess rains which make the fields unplayable, you will receive a refund of the application fee less administrative costs. Administrative costs consist of our upfront costs to arrange the tournament. If the tournament can be rescheduled, you will be asked to play on the rescheduled date. If your team is unable to play on the rescheduled date, you will receive a partial refund and an explanation of the refund amount and/or a discount to future VE tournaments.  If cancelled due to Covid, a full refund will be given.